Mod of the Year 2006
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bit-tech has a long history of case modding - it was the entire premise for the site being set up back in 2000. This year, for the first time, we are taking the chance to formally honour some of the top modders in the
bit-tech community with this, our first Mod of the Year contest.
The premise is simple - take some of the mods published on the site in the past year and ask the readers, the modding community, to vote on which one is the best. There is some great variation in the mods we've published - from simpler paint and hack mod jobs through to full scratch builds. Each embodies the spirit of modding in a different way, and picking a winner is going to be very hard.
The competition is sponsored by the guys over at
AC Ryan, who are incredibly active in the modding community. They are stumping up some great prizes not only for the modders, but for the
bit-tech community members that participate in the competition.
- The winner of the Mod of the Year will get $500, courtesy of AC Ryan.
- One reader who voted for the eventual winner will get a bonus prize of $200.
- Participants in the forum thread to discuss the competition will be in with a chance of winning random product prizes selected from the AC Ryan catalogue.
- The winning mod will be turned into a commemorative glossy poster, with copies distributed to the bit-tech community.
So, even if you're not one of the top 12 modders of the year, you can still be in with a chance to win!
The mods are all absolutely fantastic, and represent the best that this artform has to offer. Picking a winner is incredibly difficult, and we hope that you all think long and hard before letting us know your choice of case and modder.
Voting has now ended. Thanks to all who voted.
- MotY: Battlefield 2142
- MotY: Biomech 550
- MotY: BOSS FX57
- MotY: Cold Fusion
- MotY: Dark Blade
- MotY: Epia Alloy
- MotY: Extreme Lian-Li
- MotY: Sangaku
- MotY: Silent ContexYZ
- MotY: Spiderman 3
- MotY: Temple of Nod
- MotY: WMD
We will tally up the votes and announce the winner on
January 1, 2007.
Next year we will not only be running Mod of the Year 2007, but also a Newcomer of the Year for the modder that wows us with his or her first major attempt. If the mods featured here inspire you, get modding - you could be featured here this time next year!
So, enjoy the next 12 pages, as we take a trip through the greatest mods of the year.
You can discuss the competition here - we want to know your thoughts!
Click through to the next page to view the nominated mods!
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