I wanted to mount a small LCD in the front bezel - I tried a 128x64 graphical display, but the blue backlight didn\'t suit the white theme of the rest of Hypercube. I did a lot more research, and finally decided to go with this 1.8 inch display made by Lilliput. I bought it for a fair price on eBay, but there are a range of LCD sizes available from Amazon USA, for example.

Here you see the screen already disassembled. I placed a lighter next to it, so you can see the scale of the screen - it is really tiny.

I had already made a plate (left) for the 128x64 display, and because I had run out of white plexi, I modified it to fit my new LCD. (right)

The LCD proves to be very bright in testing - the pictures don\'t do it justice. If you look carefully at the first photo, you can see a preview of what lays ahead.

To finish the LCD off, I made a little bezel to go in front of it. It has the same design as the rest of the cube.

Installed in place, I was not very sure about the material of the bezel - it doesn\'t look right...

After cutting out the bezel and installing a mirror plate behind it, I was totally satisfied. Now the screen blends in better with the total concept of the case.

I protected the inside with a Stainless Steel plate that had been laser-cut - this was meant for the 128x64 graphic display, and came in to good use now. I also put the same mirror plate behind it.
You will see the finished LCD in the final photoshoot.
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