MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer

Written by Max Erlandsson

July 21, 2008 | 00:03

Tags: #cnc #matrix-orbital #max #mce #sleepstreamer #sweden

Companies: #ac-ryan #viewsonic

The back panel

MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel

The detail on the back I'm now about to show you was changed in the final version, but I thought It'd be nice to show how this project evolved during the build process. I was planning to route cables from the back LCD-display through three tubes hidden behind this detail.

MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel
MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel
MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel
Click to enlarge.

Done! But as I said earlier, This is going to change further into the build.

The Power Button

I just wanted to take a second and note how the power switch was made for the mod...

MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel
MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel MCE2.0 by Sleepstreamer The back panel
Click to enlarge.

...One steel ring, one very ugly power switch from a scrapped case, and a round piece of acrylic. And that's all! Who says everything has to be complicated?
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