Case Feet
I changed over the existing case feet and added a couple of extras. This is to add extra support to the middle of the case and to raise it higher off the ground to provide clearance for the heads of all the bolts etc that will be fixing things to the bottom of the case.
The old feet - little rubber bumpers...

...were picked off (Tool = Fingernails). My new case feet are 1 inch acrylic cabochon half-balls from Craftics in the USA.

Using some IPS weld-on #3 cement and a syringe, I carefully applied 4-5 drops to the bottom of each foot and pressed it in place. This glue is professional stuff that welds the plastic together and has the consistency of water! (hence the syringe to apply). It also bonds so quick it makes superglue drying look about as fast as an old Commodore 64 tape-drive! Use with caution and take precautions! I lined my feet up using a set square.

I added six feet instead of the usual four. Two extras were added to the middle of the case to prevent sagging under the weight of all the stuff I will be loading the bottom of the case with.

Stylin\'! I definitely won\'t be lighting these (though they would look nice) as the finished case will already likely draw comparisons to ET\'s spaceship so less is more, so to speak.
Light Diffuser
To preserve my eyes from a serious case of burnt-out retinas, I decided to add a diffuser to cover the \'Knight Rider\' LEDs under the VFD housing. Plus I had two huge sheets of different diffuser plexi I wanted to get some (small) use out of. The plexi is the same stuff fluorescent light covers are often made out of in buildings.

I cut out a thin strip, filed, sanded, rounded the corners and polished it. I used the finished piece as a template to mark the holes for mounting.

Drilled and mounted using cut-down socket head cap screws and dome nuts.
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