CCL Elite Strix 100 Review

Written by Antony Leather

August 20, 2015 | 16:39

Tags: #best-gaming-pc #cheap-gaming-pc #gaming-pc #gtx-950

Companies: #ccl #kingston #thermaltake

Battlefield 4

Publisher: EA

From our Battlefield 4 review:

'From the start to the end of the campaign you literally have no idea who’s who, why they do or don’t like each other and even what part you play in the whole thing – the latter point not being helped by the fact you’re mute throughout the whole game. You just meander from mission to mission and get on with the task set before you.

Still: who cares, right? Battlefield has long been about its multiplayer, and sure enough here, again the game truly shines. Largely it’s a continuation of what came before but there are enough extras that it feels, if not totally new, different enough to learn all over again.'

With its demanding Frostbite 3 engine, Battlefield 4 is a tough challenge for any GPU. We run the game at its highest 'Ultra' settings with motion blur at 50 percent and the resolution scale at 100 percent. We also manually disable MSAA. We run a 60 second benchmark on the game's sixth campaign level, Tashgar, during the on rails section at the level's start, and begin the recording as soon as the subtitle for the first line of dialogue appears on screen.'

Battlefield 4

1,920 x 1,080, DirectX 11, 'Ultra' Settings

  • Cyberpower Infinity X55 Pro GT
  • MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G 4GB
  • AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
  • AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB
  • PC Specialist Apollo 703
  • AMD Radeon R9 270X 2GB
  • CCL Elite Strix 100
    • 65
    • 78
    • 61
    • 78
    • 55
    • 67
    • 40
    • 47
    • 36
    • 46
    • 36
    • 42
    • 35
    • 43
Frames Per Second
  • Minimum
  • Average

Crysis 3

Publisher: EA

Mixing the open-world combat of Crysis with the more tightly scripted urban jungle of Crysis 2, Crysis 3 is a smorgasbord of visual effects and polygons galore. With DirectX 11 support, high resolution textures and incredibly detailed characters models, it's laid down the gauntlet for the next generation of consoles and games alike when it comes to gorgeous graphics

We test using the Very High detail preset and with Very High texture resolution. lens flare and motion blur are both enabled, although due to its heavy performance impact, anti-aliasing is disabled.

As explained earlier, we use a custom macro-driven 60 seconds play-through from the single player mission Red Star Rising. The 60 seconds of gameplay takes place in a large open environment heavy on water and particle effects. Each test is repeated three times, with the average result taken.

Crysis 3

1,920 x 1,080, 0x AA, 16x AF, 'Very High' Settings

  • MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G 4GB
  • AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
  • PC Specialist Apollo 703
  • AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB
  • CCL Elite Strix 100
  • AMD Radeon R9 270X 2GB
    • 55
    • 68
    • 50
    • 62
    • 38
    • 46
    • 34
    • 43
    • 33
    • 40
    • 31
    • 37
Frames Per Second
  • Minimum
  • Average

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