Time to say goodbye from all of us at bit-tech.net
Welcome challenger. Why not sit down, and play a little game?
Budget in price, mainstream in aspiration.
Deadpool the character is a good laugh. It's a shame we can't say the same about his game.
Wolvie makes us a classic case mod featuring the Cooler Master ATCS 840 along with some blue angular inspiration to complement a lot of killer hardware.
All has been quiet on the Wolverine front for a couple months now. But is that because our crazy Swede has been taking a break? Of course not! Magnus is back with another top end mod, this time with a pretty mirror finish...
It's pretty safe to say that Portal was one of the best games released in 2007. For those of you who can't get enough of it, our mega-modder Wolverine has a treat for you. It's time to work with your Weighted Companion PC - cake not included.
Our hard-rocking modder Wolverine is back - this time with a whole new style. He's headed to us with a wall-mounted HTPC that's 1kg of components, 10kg of acrylic and 100kg of awesome detail cuts. So step in and check it out!
Do you like the idea of engraving, but have been scared to get your hands dirty? Not sure what you need to get started? Wolverine, one of our two engraving mod-gods, takes you through the basics.
Intel came to us for some top modders for a big kick-off in China, and we were happy to help. What followed is a story of epic intrigue, $750 bar tabs and four of bit-tech’s finest…and the eternal question: “Have you seen Beckham?”
Pinhead is back. Or rather Magnus "Wolverine" Persson is back with another Hellraiser case mod. This time he has remade his original Puzzlebox the way he originally intended. Who says all Hollywood sequels are rubbish?
Creating the first of four cases based on the elements, master modder Magnus Persson takes a Lian Li cube and fits it out with a fiery decor.
Hailing from Sweden, Max Erlandsson has pulled off a stunning creation for what is, unbelievably, his first attempt at case modding. Join us for a look at the stunning worklog of this work of art.
Wolverine is back with his latest mod project - a 'Biomech' case inspired by the art work of H.R. Giger. Check out the full worklog and the superb finished result!
Magnus Persson, of Hellraiser Cube fame, takes on his latest engraving opus - a black aluminium Lian Li, and a Star Wars theme. Can you feel the power of the Dark Side?
October 14 2021 | 15:04
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