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Budget in price, mainstream in aspiration.
Legislation threatened, copyright group told.
Google's regular Transparency Report reveals an increasing trend for political content take-down requests.
The High Court has ordered ISPs to start blocking access to Swedish file-sharing site The Pirate Bay.
We talk to the Open Rights Group and the BPI about the implications of the Digital Economy Act.
ISP Virgin Media and the British Phonographic Institute have joined forces to implement a three-strikes policy which will see sharers of copyright content disconnected.
Police in Middlesbrough have arrested the man behind Oink.me.uk, one of the world's biggest illegal music file sharing sites.
The British record industry is attempting to get ISPs to hand over the details of people it says are filesharing.
The UK's version of the RIAA is going after All Of MP3, seeking a court declaration that the site is illegal. Enforcing such a judgment would be harder.
People who illegally share music files online are also big spenders on legal music downloads, research suggests.
October 14 2021 | 15:04
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