Time to say goodbye from all of us at bit-tech.net
Welcome challenger. Why not sit down, and play a little game?
Budget in price, mainstream in aspiration.
A new hacker conference - HacKid - aims to teach children the joys of true hacking.
The Boy Scouts of America have introduced a new badge that can be earned by playing games.
US President Barack Obama wants to see games like LittleBigPlanet used in schools to drive interest in science and maths.
A new report released by the creators of Sesame Street says that games can be good for children.
Stanford's professor of music reveals that tests with his new students show an increased preference for MP3 files over higher quality formats.
Sega has teamed with Neurosky to develop a range of mind-controlled robot toys. World domination and human extinction must be good for sales margins.
Crysis is useful for more than just combusting graphics cards you know - turns out that those wacky Germans want to teach with it too.
Lego has made a massive comeback with computer games lately and is topping this success off with details of the new Lego MMO.
Video games cause shootings. Blogs are corrupting our youth. So here's a suggestion, let's sanitise it all - then we can have our family values again, right?
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has banned the use of iPods and Google Search in his household. Daddy's worth $12 billion though, so don't feel too bad for them.
October 14 2021 | 15:04
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