Time to say goodbye from all of us at bit-tech.net
Welcome challenger. Why not sit down, and play a little game?
Budget in price, mainstream in aspiration.
Double-digit growth from Zen, Radeon.
100 million shipped in a single quarter.
Admits Bulldozer misstep.
Carbon nanotubes to cool future chips.
SD card form-factor for embedded push.
"It's just getting really hard."
New techniques could extend Moore's Law.
Clear focus on low-power products.
Source claims compatibility with FM2+.
Microcomputer and microcontroller combined.
IBM claims the 5.5GHz chips in its zEC12 mainframe are the most powerful around.
Early Intel associate and microprocessor pioneer Victor Poor has died aged 79.
AMD has re-hired Jim Keller, a chief designer on the K7 and K8 series.
ARM has launched a new microprocessor, the Cortex-M0+, which draws just 9µA/MHz.
It's 40 years today since the Intel 4004 launched - the first commercially available CPU.
AMD reveals its financial results for the first quarter of 2009, showing an increase in revenue from CPUs and smaller losses than last year.
It's a question of 'when' rather than 'if' says Nvidia when asked about whether it plans to enter the general purpose processor market.
The sniping between Nvidia and Intel continues, as Intel's CEO, Paul Otellini, dismisses Nvidia's claims about GPGPU computing.
iSuppli Corp. has estimated that AMD has actually gained some market share during Q2 07 based on chip revenue figures.
October 14 2021 | 15:04
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