It's nearly D-Day in the EU vs Redmond dispute, with Brussels on the verge of fining the company for non compliance in it's anti-trust case
It's not just knock off Levi's and DVDs that are coming from the East. Is that CPU genuine?
The CIA has conducted a three day 'what-if' simulation of a cyber attack against the US.
More embarrassment for Netscape - The latest version breaks XML in IE
Forget HD-DVD or Blu-Ray with their piffling tens of Gigabytes storage capacities. AO-DVD offers nearly a terabyte!
An application that purports to be an Anti-Spyware tool turns out to be rogue
De-rigeur in mods 18 months ago, Bl00 has gone mainstream - and is beginning to raise some people's ire.
Promoters group declares that the wireless USB spec has been completed; Now in the hands of the Implementers.
The man behind the wildly - if puzzlingly so - popular Sims series looks to evolution for his next 'God' game
The power behind the recently announced Playstation 3 will be open to world and dog.
Netscape 8 was launched with a heavy emphasis on security - so news of major security flaws must have caused some red faces at AOL.
Even before Redmond can start its mandatory roll-out of the new anti-piracy policy, the system has been subverted.
iTunes? We don' need no Steenkin' iTunes! A freely available plugin for Winamp is allowing Windows iPod owners to ditch Apple's music library.
Steveo demonstrates a forthcoming version of iTunes that will store and organise Podcasts
Free torrent search tool available within a fortnight, according to developers.
Even after a security update, there are still potential security issues surrounding widgetry.
Divine Intervention for Heavenly Sword Coders, as they land deal with Sony
Mario fans will have at least a 12 month wait for a playable version of Nintendo's Revolution
Personalisation is the keyword, as Google gets an extreme makeover.
The sith hits the fan as a "work print" copy of Episode III is found on P2P Networks
German watercooling wizzes Innovatek have turned their attention to the X850
Popular P2P Purveyor plays with painless publishing of torrents.
Venerable browser netscape gains a new version, and will reportedly be able to render more sites than FireFox.
October 14 2021 | 15:04